Could You Make It On Mars?

Could You Make It On Mars?

How about right here on earth?

Mark Watney is no normal human being. He’s a NASA astronaut, but that’s not what makes him extraordinary. He’s also an astronaut who’s been left for dead, left to fend for himself on a desolate red planet. He has to deal with the fact that he’s all alone with no way to communicate with earth. Worse even, he also has to contend with the fact that he’ll surely run out of food before a rescue mission can reach him—that is if Mars’s inhospitable environment doesn’t manage to claim him first.

What’s most fascinating about this real page-turner of a novel, is what we can learn from Mark’s adventures and how it applies to life right here on earth.

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My 2014-2015 Reading List - First Quarter

My 2014-2015 Reading List - First Quarter

Back in April, I posted my reading list from the first year away from my corporate job. I thought it might be of interest, given that what I read often influences my writing and my tweets. In fact, my tweets often reference or quote what I'm reading at any given time.

Well, the previous year's list was well received, so much so that I decided to release this year's list as a running quarterly tally. I think it might be more fun that way.

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Are You Able To Go With The "Flow"?

Are You Able To Go With The "Flow"?

Do you recognize the following scenario? 

You start working on a project or problem. It takes a bit of time, but soon enough, you are immersed in it and you are producing great work. You lose track of everything other than what you are working on: time, hunger, thirst, other commitments.

It feels incredible. However much time has gone by, you have accomplished more work in one sitting than you sometimes are able to accomplish all day, maybe even all week!

Congratulations! It means you achieved a state of "flow". 

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My 2013-2014 Reading List

My 2013-2014 Reading List

When I left full-time corporate employment in April 2013, one of my main goals was to catch up on a few years of "when-I-get-to-it" reading. Well, I managed to do some major catching up, getting though 67 books in a year's time.

I thought you might be interested in seeing the full list, given that many of the books influence my choice of topics and the position I take on the issues I address.

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