Where the Heck Have I Been?

Where the Heck Have I Been?

…And Why You Can Now See a Whole Lot More of Me!

It feels like a long time since I've put virtual pen to paper on Free to Pursue. And it has been.

My last post was May 31st and it was a book review. My last personal musings were on May 23 (and they were a precursor to this very blog post). In short, it's been a two-month absence and it feels like a substantial amount of time.

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Enough Already - Thoughts on Leading a Satisfying Life

Enough Already - Thoughts on Leading a Satisfying Life

The more I read about who is successful in this life, the more I realize just how important it is to understand the word “enough.” I’ve written a lot about this on this blog, but I think it’s essential to keep hammering the point...if not for you, at least for me.

It has never been easier in this world to go narrow and deep. The resources to delve deeper and deeper in a subject are nearly infinite. In order to run out of material you practically have to specialize within a specialty!

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No One Reads Footnotes - Really?! On My Dislike of Blanket Statements

No One Reads Footnotes - Really?! On My Dislike of Blanket Statements

I just finished another book last night: "Finish" by Jon Acuff. As I was getting through the final pages, including acknowledgements and chapter notes—yeah, I’m that person who actually reads those sections— I was reminded of a comment I received from an editor as I was shopping for someone to edit what I thought would be my first book. When she saw that I had footnotes quoting some of my sources, she authoritatively said:

“No one reads footnotes anymore.”

I was taken aback. Not just by the statement, but by her all-or-nothing position on the practice. 

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Lights, Camera, Action...Fear?! Free to Pursue on YouTube

Lights, Camera, Action...Fear?! Free to Pursue on YouTube

Getting into or starting something new can be quite a process.

First, there's the dream phase where we picture ourselves knowing or doing what we're about to learn and/or start doing. It's exciting and a little scary at the same time...and it's all just fantasy, at least for the time being.

Unfortunately, that's where many dreams remain, either playing in our minds on an infinite loop or mothballed, never to see the light of day.

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Relating Over Investing - Why “Networking” Is NOT a Useful Verb

Relating Over Investing - Why “Networking” Is NOT a Useful Verb

I can’t stand the term “networking.” Never have, and hopefully never will. It’s a term and verb that makes me shudder. It carries with it connotations of using others for the sole purpose of getting ahead. It makes me think of little other than selfishness and self importance.

Do I think we need to meet new people? Of course! But...

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