My 2013-2014 Reading List

My 2013-2014 Book List

My 2013-2014 Book List

When I left full-time corporate employment in April 2013, one of my main goals was to catch up on a few years of "when-I-get-to-it" reading. Well, I managed to do some major catching up, getting though 67 books* in a year's time.

I thought you might be interested in seeing the full list, given that many of the books influence my choice of topics and the position I take on the issues I address.

I do stress that this list includes the great, the not so great and the downright awful--if I actually made it to the end of the book--so don't take it as an endorsement of what is worth a read. If you want my take on the best books I've read over the last number of years, check out my favourites.

The list of books below cover topics various areas of interest: economics, consumer behaviour, saving, investing, marketing, sociology, technology, blogging, writing, philosophy and even health.

A number of the books that made this year's list were suggested by Eric Barker at Barking Up The Wrong Tree, Mr. Money Mustache, David Cain at Raptitude, J. Money at Budgets Are Sexy and A. Noonan Moose at Frugal Fringe. They pointed me in worthwhile directions and I grateful. We each come across different resources and ideas and sharing those that strike us most helps us collectively navigate an overwhelming amount of information effectively.

Here is the past year's reading list, in all its glory, from earliest to most recently read.** Apparently, I really got into the "book worm" state during fall and winter months. Funny how cold weather and many feet of snow make you want to curl up with a good book and a warm beverage.




July & August: No books! I was too busy enjoying the sunshine and working in the yard.








As Flannel Guy ROI observed when we discussed books early in 2014, I obviously prefer nonfiction. You can see his own favourites here. Looking at my list over the last 12 months, I think it would serve me well to include more literary fiction for 2014-15 and I already have a few books in mind, including a few in French--it's been way too long since I've read something of substance in my mother tongue.

So, what's next up on my reading list then? How about a few books from Chris Guillebeau, Benjamin Graham, Carol Shields and Gabrielle Roy and more from Don Miguel Ruiz, Juliet B. Schor and Malcolm Gladwell. It's going to be a good year.

What are your personal favourites? Anything in the list above that you loved? Hated? Any suggestions?

*I did not include smaller eBooks that many authors publish on the Internet, though I may track these and  include them in next year's list because there is a lot of good material out there. I also did not include books that I did not get through from start to finish, either because they were awful or I found something more interesting.

**The list contains affiliate links to Purchases made via these links help support the F2P blog. It does not cost you anything and helps cover ongoing expenses associated with maintaining this blog. Thank you for your support. 

Image credit/copyright: Maglara/Shutterstock