Book Review: "Deep Work"

Book Review: "Deep Work"

Want to know what Free to Pursue thinks about Cal Newport's book "Deep Work"?

I gave the book a 5 out of 5 Rockstar rating.

Author Cal Newport uses top insights from highly-respected sources to drive home the point that deep concentration is going the way of the dodo bird in a society increasingly focused on immediacy and that harnessing and developing this ability further leads to both a personal competitive advantage and a happier life.

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Turning It Off - Why I’m Taking a Social Media Holiday

Turning It Off - Why I’m Taking a Social Media Holiday

Life has gotten pretty crazy over the last couple of months. Sure, there’s the usual chaos of the Holidays, but I can’t blame the crazyness on that because we all know about it well in advance and usually plan for it fairly well.

The craziness has been brought about by some great projects I’m involved in, including:

  • Working on a book,
  • Having a fun new role,
  • Feeding a continued voracious appetite for books, and
  • Taking on a greater number of speaking engagements.

All this while running a small business, which I've been doing for years now.

And craziness has its consequences.

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Because I Want To - Learning for Learning’s Sake

Because I Want To - Learning for Learning’s Sake

“Why bother?” is a question that saddens me every time I hear it. It’s usually in response to another person sharing their efforts in learning a process, task or about a subject that interests them.

The question is rooted in a belief that has permeated our society like a cancer. That belief is that the only reason we should do something is in order to reach a desired outcome, something "worthwhile". And, that for some reason the process we use to get there is irrelevant, the only relevant measure being whether or not it can be achieved efficiently.


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A Secret Happiness Principle - Try New Things….And Then Quit Them

A Secret Happiness Principle - Try New Things….And Then Quit Them

There’s a lot of talk about happiness these days. The happiness industry is booming with seminars, books, courses and all sorts of work and leisure “systems” to help us all be happier.

I’ve come to understand that happiness, for me at least, comes from learning about myself and what makes me tick (some might call it “doing the work”). It also comes from ensuring I have the freedom to make time and listen to what it is that I really want to do and be in all aspects of life: relationships, professional pursuits, personal experiences.

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Are You Sure About That? - How to Cure Ignorance

Are You Sure About That? - How to Cure Ignorance

I'm ignorant, and I'm OK with that. But it doesn't mean that I don't try to be a little less so every day.

Our knowledge, skills, abilities and experience are tested all day long, with every decision we make and in every conversation we have with others. Well, they are tested, unless we tend to do the same things every day/week/month, thereby exposing ourselves to the same type of information and the same types of conversations over and over again with the same people (like the movie Groundhog Day, which I’ve written about here).

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The Unexpected Power of Putting Your Best Foot Forward

The Unexpected Power of Putting Your Best Foot Forward

A hair stylist once told me “You’re not a high-maintenance woman, are you?”. Others have been more polite, with statements such as “You’d be best with something that’s easy to style and maintain.” and others less so: “No. I’m not going to do that type of colour on you because you won’t maintain it.”

OUCH! Suffice it to say that most people would not peg me as someone who invests a lot in her looks, unless I absolutely have to. Truth is, if I don’t have a corporate gig to go to or a theatre production to prep for, you’ll find me in cargo pants, a t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie as opposed to more professional-looking options. Yup, that’s how I roll 90+% of the time, especially now that I work my magic at home.

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When Ideas Have Sex

When Ideas Have Sex

I was away at a conference last week (the first of a few trips I alluded to in this post) and the experience was overwhelming to say the least.

Not because of the number of people—though 1,200 is a lot—but because of the number of opportunities that presented themselves. I have never had so many great conversations in a short four days, and I mean never.

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Don’t Be That [Mercedes] Guy

Don’t Be That [Mercedes] Guy

I had an experience this Spring that I just can’t get out of my mind, which means I probably should share it with you. 

As I sometimes do when I want a change of pace, I go to one of three coffee shops within walking distance of our home. I’m waiting in line for my free refill and notice this guy two spots ahead of me, pacing back and forth from his spot to the window and back.

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