On Rediscovering Lost Loves

On Rediscovering Lost Loves

As I’ve written about here and there, I both love trying new things and believe that doing so is paramount to a life well lived.

One of the ways we end up trying new things is that they present themselves to us as opposed to seeking them out. The only ingredient we need to bring to the table is to say "yes."

In my case, the lastest opportunity to say "yes" was a Hallowe’en costume party that was part of a recent conference I attended in late October 2017.

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Because I Want To - Learning for Learning’s Sake

Because I Want To - Learning for Learning’s Sake

“Why bother?” is a question that saddens me every time I hear it. It’s usually in response to another person sharing their efforts in learning a process, task or about a subject that interests them.

The question is rooted in a belief that has permeated our society like a cancer. That belief is that the only reason we should do something is in order to reach a desired outcome, something "worthwhile". And, that for some reason the process we use to get there is irrelevant, the only relevant measure being whether or not it can be achieved efficiently.


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