You're Right Dear. Again.

You're Right Dear. Again.

Why do others always see what isn't working in your life before you do? I find it particularly annoying, I mean really!

In my case, the person who always sees what's going to blow up in my face way before I'm willing to see it is my husband. He's always right in the end, but he's not pushy about it or judgmental (yes, he's a saint). He's happy to let me fall flat on my face (when I deserve it) and offers advice when I seek his counsel.

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Are You Able To Go With The "Flow"?

Are You Able To Go With The "Flow"?

Do you recognize the following scenario? 

You start working on a project or problem. It takes a bit of time, but soon enough, you are immersed in it and you are producing great work. You lose track of everything other than what you are working on: time, hunger, thirst, other commitments.

It feels incredible. However much time has gone by, you have accomplished more work in one sitting than you sometimes are able to accomplish all day, maybe even all week!

Congratulations! It means you achieved a state of "flow". 

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Are You Addicted To Speed?

Are You Addicted To Speed?

Speed enthrals. Fast cars & internet connections, amazing feats of the human body, whatever your favourite type of adrenaline rush, it often involves speed.

It invigorates us. We feel alive, like we can do anything. We are invincible. We are the sh*t.

Speed also has a dark side. It makes us selfish and dumb. Thanks to technology evolution, we have applied our need to seek the thrill of speed to our everyday lives. The human body was not built for it and the consequences are dire.


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