Spreading The Award Love Via Liebster Nominations

I'm all smiles over here. Why? Friday last week, I received a Liebster Award nomination from Mrs. Frugalwoods.

What is a Liebster Award you ask? I had the same question when I was nominated. It's a means of recognizing new bloggers who you think are doing a good job of sharing information and insights in their area(s) of expertise.

In short, someone recognizes you and you, in turn, share the love by nominating five others who you think are also doing a great job as a fellow member of the blogosphere.

Want to know more? Check out these links to Wording Well and Sopphey for rule interpretations and some info on origin.

Before I complete my duties as a nominee, I want to say thanks Mrs. Frugalwoods. It was kind of her to select this blog (even if part of the reason I was selected is that we both own GreyT dogs - what a way to stack the deck!). It was a sweet surprise and really made my day.

Here's what Mrs. Frugalwoods had to say about this blog: 

A wonderful blend of early retirement wisdom and the idea that life has more to offer coupled with chronicles of her pursuits! Uplifting and inspiring. Plus, she’s a fellow greyhound owner!
— Mrs. Frugalwoods

As part of accepting this nomination, I am to do three things:

  1. Nominate five other newer blogs (there seems to be some leeway in what constitutes "new" so I'm running with it).
  2. Answer questions Mrs. Frugalwoods has asked (originally asked of her by The Barefoot Budgeter).
  3. Ask my nominees questions to answer if they choose to do so. 

Well, I accept! Here it goes: 

1. My Liebster Award Nominees (from oldest to newest):

  • Ree Klein's Escaping Dodge - launched March 2013: Ree's blog is approachable and offers a unique perspective on saving and starting or maintaining side hustles. I've nicknamed Ree "the guinea pig" because she's willing to try side projects (Income Labs), which she then shares freely with her readers. I had the pleasure of meeting Ree at WDS this year and she is a wonderful person both online and in the flesh.
  • A. Noonan Moose over at Frugal Fringe - launched April 2013: Noonan loves numbers and statistics. He also has a soft spot for Canadians, so how can I not love his blog. Joking aside, Noonan has done it. He and his wife retired at 48 and 46 respectively. He shares his views on the thinking and math required to pursue FIRE status. My personal favourites include: Worthometer Canada, Run Like a Rabbit, Spend Like A Turtle and Spend Like An Off-Peak Freak.
  • Flannel Guy ROI - launched December 2013: FG loves numbers and calculating the return on investment on, well, just about anything. Don't believe me? How about the ROI on dog ownership, using the library, or eating pot candy as opposed to drinking alcohol? Yup, you read right...pot candy. I also have to thank FG for his fiction reading suggestions. As a matter of fact, I'm reading "Super Sad True Love Story" thanks to him.
  • Mrs. Nickels at mySHINYnickels - March 2014: Mrs. Nickels is a source of inspiration to start or keep saving. She shares her personal experiences as she travels the path towards financial independence. A business professional, wife and mom of three, she brings a real life perspective on how you can work towards your own financial goals, including achieving FI. She also respects that not everyone will view the world from the same lens, thereby encouraging open dialogue on all things finance. Yes, Mrs. Nickels,  I've been lurking without commenting much...yet. 
  • The Escape Artist - launched May 2014: If you want to check out a new blog with its own little bit of edginess, T.E.A. might be just the bit of spice you're looking for. It's highly entertaining and offers an interesting take on how to think about saving and living a frugal lifestyle that is far from boring. Some examples include Feminism for Guys, The Mexican Fisherman and Prison Camp (my personal favourite).

I encourage you to check out these blogs. Stay tuned too, as some of the bloggers above will be guest posting on Free To Pursue later this summer. I've seen some of the material already and you won't want to miss it.

2. Answering Mrs. Frugalwoods' questions

Here are the five questions I'm to answer. [Cue gameshow music.]

1. What made you decide to start your blog? 

I wanted to better understand how FI changed me and I wanted to keep exploring the themes that are helping me maintain or increase my life satisfaction on a day-to-day basis. I also felt a need to share with others some lightbulb moments I've had over the last 15 years or so and going forward (please, let them never stop coming), in the hopes that I'd help others find their path to FI too and, hopefully, sooner than I did.

My "awakening" was slower than I would've liked but I feel very lucky that I stumbled upon this way of thinking and being. I believe that as the number of PF/lifestyle blogs increase, the more this community can reach those who are open to looking for more. There is power in repetition and hearing similar messages from multiple sources. Who knows, we might even someday reach the tipping point and become the majority. Hey, a girl can dream!

2. What is your favorite place in the world?

Wow. That's a tough one. I'll say Winnipeg. Like many Winnipeggers who travel, I love my city. It's green, friendly and full of arts and culture. It's a well-kept secret.

If I were to offer my top international destination though, I would say Okinawa, Japan. That trip helped me cross a major item off my bucket list.

3. Your personal finance philosophy in 10 words or less.

Do what's necessary to live life on your terms.

4. What has been your favourite blog post?

I would say it's Ten Signs You May Be A Member Of The Walking Dead. The post is based on not wanting to become a member of that particular club, those who just exist and live for the future as opposed to live their life with meaning and purpose daily.

The fear of turning into one of these people fuelled a number of my lifestyle changes. It was a powerful motivator to look for something more and I'm a better person for it. 

5. What is your favourite type of cheese?

I have expensive tastes when it comes to cheese. However, I view cheese purchases as a game now. I only buy my favourites when they are 50% off. That way, I can have my cheese and eat it too! I'm quite the opportunistic foodie. If there's a selection, I'll go for soft cheeses such as Oka, Brie, Camembert and Cambozola first.

3. Questions For My Liebster Nominees

Now I turn it over to my nominees. I'll go with 11 questions, given some versions of the Liebster Award rules ask for 11. As you'll see, many of these I'm reusing from the list above because, well, they rock.

  1. What made you pursue FI(RE)?
  2. Why did you decide to start your blog?
  3. Which blog post are you most proud of?
  4. What's your favourite movie and why?
  5. What's your favourite book and why?
  6. What are your 5 most-cherished possessions?
  7. What are you looking forward to in the next year?
  8. What's your personal finance philosophy in 10 words or less?
  9. What's your favourite pastime or activity?
  10. What would be your one piece of advice for someone seeking to become FI?
  11. What's your favourite little indulgence?

That does it. Thanks again to Mrs. Frugalwoods and please don't forget to check out the blogs listed above if you haven't already.

Any blogs you feel should get a mention? Please use the comments section to spread the love. There are a lot of them out there and, often, we only discover the keepers through word of mouth.

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Zombie image credit/copyright: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock