Financially Independent, Despite Herself
/Hey there F2P readers! I’m pleased to say that my post for today is featured over at The FIRE Starter (TFS), a UK-based blog I’ve enjoyed reading because of its “average guy” tone and content.
My post over at TFS is about my early blunders and, more specifically, how you can stumble repeatedly and still come out ahead of the pack when it comes to living the life you want to live
Here’s a sneak peek:
The pull of the marketers’ call is strong. We’re bombarded with messages every day about who we need to be and what products and services will help us get there. No matter what we’ve acquired though, the feeling of finally having what will make life better just doesn’t last and we start looking for the next item that will be the key to feeling we have it “together”.
The trouble with these marketing messages is that those we notice most aren’t those that reinforce purchases already made, but those that inform us of what we need or should strive for next. And hearing and internalizing these messages has nasty consequences, not only on our pocketbook, but on our life choices.
Want to read more? Check it out here.
I hope you enjoy the post and, if you want to peruse more of what TFS has to offer, here are my 10 favourite posts of his, in order of preference. Note: #5 and #8 are the posts I first came across as I was discovering his blog, which is probably why I fancy them disproportionately compared to some other equally notable content.
- Four Modern Day Paradoxes of Human Construct
- Scanners and Financial Independence
- A Conscious Conscience
- Internal Locus of Control: Develop One, Retire Early
- Are You Out of the FI Closet?
- Alternative Plans for FI and a New Definition: Frugally Independent
- So I Just Got a Pay Rise
- Why Do We Buy Gifts?
- Is It Possible to Live On 10,000 Pounds a Year in the UK?
- My Perfect Work Day