Why Respecting Boundaries Is A Win/Win/Win

Why Respecting Boundaries Is A Win/Win/Win

A friend of mine and I have had a number of conversations about boundaries this year. The word slipped from my mouth as we talked and she’s brought it up regularly ever since. The reason she has is that, at least as she’s expressed it to me, she found it fascinating that I had said that I found it a regular challenge to respect boundaries when dealing with both relationships with others and with myself. In her estimation, I’ve always been successful at setting and respecting boundaries. Given I stumble more often than I'd like to admit I’d say that's a definite overstatement, but I will agree that it gets easier the more I work on it.

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Fourth Update - Living More with Less in 2015

Fourth Update - Living More with Less in 2015

On January 15, I declared that I was going to live a simpler and richer life by having and buying less stuff and doing more of what matters. I'd outlined three main themes as part of this plan:

  1. Don’t buy anything unless it’s urgent - yes, it’s a flexible definition and relates more to fixed goods than consumables.
  2. Use (and enjoy) what I have.
  3. Focus on spending time with, and giving to, others.

In March, May and July, I published my first three updates. Based on these, my average so far is a “B”. Not bad, but I’ve vowed I can do better. 

Have I? Let’s take a look. 

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Presence, Not Presents

Presence, Not Presents

Small Gestures Are A Big Deal

We all get busy. If it's not work assignments, it's social obligations, or organized sports or volunteering or household chores or anything else that makes us feel we're getting pulled in all sorts of directions. 

This pull on our time makes the following shortcuts very attractive:

  • Buying convenience foods or eating out
  • Driving vs walking or biking
  • Skipping a workout or playtime in the park
  • Outsourcing life tasks (maid service, yard service, laundry, baby sitting)

We've all used some of these, and more, at some point. Indeed, some of us take these shortcuts on a regular, even daily basis.

There are even some shortcuts we take that we don't even realize we're taking because they don't feel as real and tangible as the list I offered above.

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Third Update - Living More with Less in 2015

Third Update - Living More with Less in 2015

On January 15, I declared that I was going to live a simpler and richer life by having and buying less stuff and doing more of what matters. I'd outlined three main themes as part of this plan:

  1. Don’t buy anything unless it’s urgent - yes, it’s a flexible definition.
  2. Use (and enjoy) what I have.
  3. Focus on spending time with and giving to others.

In March and May, I published my first and second updates, giving myself a "B-" and a "B+" respectively. Am I maintaining my "B" average?

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The Devil Made Me Do It. Why We Always Have A Choice.

The Devil Made Me Do It. Why We Always Have A Choice.

As some of you may already be aware, there are two movies that really resonate with me from a philosophical perspective. One of these is The Matrix and the other? The Devil Wears Prada. The concept of choice is a fundamental theme that runs through these two movies and anyone watching them would be hard pressed to not consider what that might mean in their own lives. It certainly did for me and still does. 

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Diamonds - Nothing But a Brilliant Illusion

Diamonds - Nothing But a Brilliant Illusion

So today I’m a guest poster over at Frugal Fringe, the Colorado-based "all things frugal" blog written by my friend A. Noonan Moose. Click the link at the end of the excerpt to read all about how my husband and I have been misleading folks for years (they didn't ask and we didn't tell) and why it was the right decision, at least for us. 

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Ten Life Lessons I Took Away From Watching "The Company Men"

Ten Life Lessons I Took Away From Watching "The Company Men"

I watched "The Company Men" last night. Its tag line is: "In America, we give our lives to our jobs. It's time to take them back."

I had first watched this 2010 movie a few years ago and, for kicks, decided to watch it again. I found it offers reasonable food for thought, despite a somewhat cheesy ending. So why not have a little fun reviewing some of the "life lessons" it contains.

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