Finding Happiness In A Simple Cup Of Coffee
/I know I'm not alone when I say that I love my morning cup of coffee. The smell of fresh ground coffee beans, the sound of the coffee maker, the aroma in the kitchen, the rich dark amber colour of the coffee as I pour it into my cup and how the cup warms my hands as I bring it to my lips and take my first sip. It's beautiful in its simplicity and many people speak with enthusiasm of the comfort that can be found in that first cup of the day.
It's an experience in and of itself...if we let it be one.
For many of us, it sometimes only happens when we are in a situation where we don't have any distractions, like when we're on vacation away from home or in new surroundings where we don't have as many things or people competing for our attention.
I'm happy to say that I am rediscovering this simple joy of sitting down and having that first cup. I prepare it, pour it in one of my three favourite mugs and then focus on it with little distraction. Not only is it a positive experience but it always helps me start off the day on the right foot.
I do feel that I've robbed myself of many such opportunities by immediately darting out the door with a thermal mug, getting coffee on the go, or immediately sitting down at the computer with a cup and losing that precious five minutes to just be still and enjoy this simple ritual. Usually, the result is that I can't remember what it tasted like or that I drink it cold an hour later because I was too distracted to care about it. How sad is that!?
It gets worse...or better?
If so much pleasure can come from paying attention to, and really appreciating, that first cup of coffee, how many simple pleasures are we missing out on day in and day out because we are so busy trying to "suck the marrow out of life" at work, home and play? We make our days so full of stuff and activities that we forget the joy of simplicity, of removing distractions and just taking in what is around us: a sunrise or sunset, the sound of rain drops falling against a window pane, birds chirping, an unexpected rainbow, lazy snowflakes dancing their way to the ground, waves lapping the shore, a smiling face, a wagging tail, a happy tear, a child's giggles.
Some call it "slow living". I'm not sure I agree with that because it does not take that much time to "take it all in" in small intervals during the day. The small intervals take the equivalent amount of time as does checking your phone for the latest email/tweet/status update/text message.
All it takes is to choose to be mindful of the options we have in how we use our time. This small change in behaviour can make all the difference by "experiencing" your day as opposed to "spending" it.
What about you? Do you notice the small delights that every day has to offer? What brings a smile to your face or warms your heart on a regular basis?