F2P's Bucket List

F2P's Bucket List

Life is short and it's shorter for some than others - do you want to gamble on which group you're part of? I've maintained a bucket list since my dad passed away suddenly at age 47. His passing made my then-19-year-old self realize that I'd better make sure I get my fair share of living. My list has evolved over the years, as some aspirations were progressively replace by others, but I can say that it has served as a useful tool to remind me of potential experiences that could enrich my life and help me become a better a person over time.

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Ten Life Lessons I Took Away From Watching "The Company Men"

Ten Life Lessons I Took Away From Watching "The Company Men"

I watched "The Company Men" last night. Its tag line is: "In America, we give our lives to our jobs. It's time to take them back."

I had first watched this 2010 movie a few years ago and, for kicks, decided to watch it again. I found it offers reasonable food for thought, despite a somewhat cheesy ending. So why not have a little fun reviewing some of the "life lessons" it contains.

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Don't Be A Crab - Here's How!

Don't Be A Crab - Here's How!

Have you ever heard the expression "like crabs in a bucket"? If you put crabs in a bucket, they will continuously try to climb over each other to get out of the bucket. The result is that none of them get out. Sometimes, it feels as though we are not all that different but at least we can choose to behave differently. Here are seven strategies you can use to help reduce crab-like tendencies.


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What Fuels You? Do You Pursue It?

What Fuels You? Do You Pursue It?

A big part of my satisfaction in life is, and has long been, feeding what makes me tick. I love a challenge, adventure, continuous learning, new experiences and self-sufficiency. What I don't like is having a lot of structure imposed on my day, spending time with people "because it's what I have to do", seeking status, and suffering repetition and predictability over the long term. 

So what? I think it matters because knowing these things about myself helps me understand what I am naturally good at and what I should avoid. And, if I seek out and work on what I am naturally good at, I will likely produce better results for myself and others.

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