Have You Found Your Tribe?

Have You Found Your Tribe?

Humans are amongst the most social of primates and the evidence suggests that we lived in tribes for many millennia up to the start of modern times.

It is not difficult to imagine the evolutionary basis for this. When you are all alone in the world with just a flint axe and a loin cloth, surrounded by predators and not knowing where your next meal is coming from, the world can look like a pretty scary place. Having some like minded mates (in both senses of the word) around is obviously going to be helpful from a survival and reproductive standpoint.

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Arbitrage In The Suburbs

Arbitrage In The Suburbs

I woke up this morning and decided to give myself a major treat: I was going out for a specialty coffee. Why? I had a Starbucks reward that I’d been sitting on for over 6 weeks and it was about to expire. So, I decided that this is a perfect opportunity for a treat. I lazily checked Twitter and my favourite bloggers on my smartphone and, when I was good and ready, I rolled out of bed, gathered by laptop and the book I’m reading and headed out the door.

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